Name/Version: ToolsPackage v8.3.1 1st Release : 15.03.2000 Last Update : 01.09.2004 Short Description Collection of small tools. Instructions Each tool has its own instruction. See _Program info.txt in each folder. {End of instructions} Future Planning The package is permanently expanded with new small tools. Please check from time to time. Contents 2ndTime... showes a 2nd time permanently on screen. AddTime... is a time calculator to add/sub hours/minutes. Drag&drop from Excel (i.e.) possible. AdvertiseWriter... is helpful for writing advertises. AppBrowser... is an exe browser which auto-detects a system for available applications and offers buttons to open them. ASCII_Ex... extracts the readable characters of any (data) file. AutoCopy... replaces [Ctrl]+[c] if there is a lot to copy. BackgroundChecker... forms small gif/jpg to a website background surface, helpful in search for the favorite website design. Black... makes a black screen as an alternative to a screen saver. BookmarkTester... checks Netscape bookmarks if they are still working. CharCount... counts the clipboard included characters. CheckASC... to find out the ASCII- and Keycodes for any keys. CheckList... to handle a check-list (german: Strichliste) Clip2htm... converts lists of url addresses to clickable html tags, which were found in ascii formatted text. ClipCalc... calculates and formats clipboard content. Clipcon... provides an assignable store of 10 text modules, which can be quickly copied into the clipboard. ClipEd... is a realtime clipboard editor. ClipHistory... saves text which was copied into the clipboard. ClipMonMini... is a clip monitor with hex/dec mode. ClipSort... sorts the clipboard included text lines. Copy2Clip... copies pathes into the clipboard. Copy&Trim... cuts spaces and tabs before and behind each clipboard included line, specially useful if something was copied from a website into the clipboard. CountDownWatch... shows when you can go home from the office. Cryple... is a number decrytion game. Desktop... offers a button in the taskbar to switch to the desktop. Diversion... diverts an application to another one. Egal... Please see separately text-file (sorry, german only). EntityConv... converts special ascii characters to html/xml workable commands (ä = ä). Euro... is an Euro converter. FileDuplicate... duplicates a file in the same folder. FontChart... is an alternative Windows Character Chart (maybe replacement). ImageMemory... offers a memory store for 10 pictures. KalWo... showes the calendar weeks. KeyWordGen (Keywords Generator)... extracts words from any file (ascii prefered) to generate keyword lists. Manu... is a browser for selfmade documents like manuals. Mini-Avalanche... is a traditional board game with stones and seesaws. MultiReplacer... replaces a list of items included in an ascii text in one process only. Notpad... is a Notepad clone without 64k doc-size limitation. OpenGRP... opens URL- and program-groups in one process. OpenURL... opens high-lighted (Text-) URL in the browser. PathCopy... copies pathes into the clipboard, specially designed for the freeware tool "OpenExpert". PhoneticAlphabets... converts alphabets into phonetic alphabets, & quiz RNDGen (Random Generator)... generates random numbers. RemoveDisk... checks if a disk is inside the drive when system shuts down. SliderGame... try to adjust numbers by using slider Slotty... Yahtzee on slot machine base TBC - TaskBarCalculator... maybe the ww smallest available Windows calculator. Tour... makes it possible to create a descrition tour for anything. TrayMan... adds the icon of any application/file into the system tray. Unicon... is an universal Configuration Manager. Val2Words... converts values into real words. VIP... auto-detects all exe-files in the same folder and offers the appropriate quantity of buttons to open them. Vol... is an alternative to the Standard Windows Systray Volume Control. WheelDemoClock... demontrates an ActivX wheel control. WheelText... showes a text in kind of slot wheels. WinOnTop... fixes any window on top of the screen. WordCount... counts the clipboard included words. Undocumented... contains several undocumented experimental works. Updates 3.8 14.01.01 > New: ExReg added 4.0 16.01.01 > New: Val2Words added (v1.2 now) - Imp: Some apps new complied > size reduction 4.1 16.01.01 > New: AppBrowser v2.0 (ex ExReg) (v2.0.01 now) 4.2 23.01.01 > New: TrayMan v1.0 added 4.3 26.01.01 > New: AddTime v1.0 added (v1.0.01 now) 4.4 27.01.01 > New: WinOnTop v1.0 added (v2.0.01 now) 4.4.2 04.02.01 > New: AutoCopy v1.0 added 5.0 14.02.01 > New: All apps gets an own folder & instructions 5.1 15.04.01 > New: MultiReplacer added 5.2 02.08.01 > New: Tour added 5.3 03.08.01 > New: CheckASC added 5.4 17.08.01 > New: Manu added (v2.5 now) 5.5 29.08.01 > New: CountDownWatch v0.9 (v1.2 now) 5.6 01.09.01 > New: RemoveDisk added 5.7 09.09.01 > New: Cryple added (v2.0 now) 5.8 17.01.02 > New: unicon 1.0 added (v2.5 now) 5.9 07.02.02 > New: TaskBarCalculator added v1.0 (v1.3 now) 6.0 10.03.02 > New: RNDGen added 6.1 11.03.02 > New: CheckList added 6.2.2 19.03.02 > New: Keywords Generator added (v1.3 now) 6.3 23.03.02 > New: 2ndTime added 6.4 23.03.02 > New: WordCount added 6.5.1 27.03.02 > New: FontChart added/updated 6.6 29.03.02 > New: FileDuplicate added - Imp: KeyWordGen updated to v1.3.1 6.7 02.04.02 > NEW: OpenURL added 6.8 06.04.02 > New: OpenGRP added 6.9 20.04.02 > New: ClipEd added 7.0 22.04.02 > New: Diversion added 7.1 28.04.02 > New: Notpad added (Beta) 7.2 28.04.02 > New: Undocumented-folder added 7.2.11 18.05.02 - Imp: Notpad updated to v1.01 7.3 09.06.02 > New: ImageMemory added 7.4 21.06.02 - Imp: Manu updated to v2.5.3 - Imp: ImageMemory updated to v1.0.01 - Cor: CopyAndTrim updated to v1.2.01 - Cor: Notpad updated to v1.02 > New: ClipHistory added 7.5.1 21.07.02 - Cor: ImageMem updated to v1.0.02 (for RK only) > New: ClipCalc/-Format added/updated 7.6 14.08.02 > New: ClipMonMini added 7.6.1 21.08.02 - Cor: ClipMonMini updated to v1.2.1 (small changes) - Cor: FontChart updated to v1.1.2 (small correction) 7.6.11 07.09.02 - Imp: ClipHistory updated to v1.0.01: French translation complete 7.7 26.09.02 > New: Vol added 7.7.1 03.10.02 - Imp: Size reduction 7.8 27.10.02 > New: PhoneticAlphabets added 7.8.2 29.10.02 - Imp: CountDownWatch updated to v1.2.1 - Imp: TBC updated to v1.4 7.8.7 03.11.02 - Imp: PhoneticAlphabets updated to v4.2.4 7.8.71 15.12.02 - Cor: Copy&Trim updated to v1.2.1 7.9 07.03.03 > New: SliderGame added 8.0 10.03.03 > New: Slotty added 8.1 14.04.03 > New: WheelDemoClock added 8.2.1 04.05.03 > New: WheelText added/updated 8.3.1 01.09.04 > New: AdvertiseWriter added/modified